How Long Does Sextortion Last?
Did you get caught up in a romance scam? Are blackmailers threatening to expose your pictures and videos through Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or LinkedIn?
If so, you've come to the right place.
Got questions? I've got answers! Contact me here to receive a complimentary phone consultation. Ask up to 3 questions, up to 15 minutes FREE. I've been studying this scam extensively since 2019, have completed over 1,000+ cases, and I'm happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.
Too shy for a call? Keep reading - there's LOTS of good advice below, including insight into this crime you'll find valuable.
IMPORTANT: If you paid the scammers anything at all, they will simply turn around and ask for more. This is how this scam goes 100% of the time. Don't be fooled into thinking a one-time payment will be the end - IT NEVER IS!
In this article, you'll find the answers to the following questions:
- How long does sextortion last?
- How can you help me?
- Do sextortionists follow through?
- Should I ignore sextortion?
- How do you fight sextortion?
- How to report sextortion?
Infopackets Reader Bill F. writes:
" Dear Dennis,
A few days ago I received a Facebook Messenger text from a stranger. Yesterday the woman sent some explicit photos and asked me to reciprocate. I was naive and a fool; next thing I know, I was being blackmailed into sending money or they would put the photos and conversations on Facebook where my family can see. I've already sent them $700 in multiple payments, and now they say I have to send more. I'm at my wits end. How long does sextortion last and can you get me out of this mess? "
Being Blackmailed for Money on Facebook? Here's What to Do
Sextortion - What to Do (and What Not to Do)
- Do Blackmailers Follow Through? (And What to Expect)
My response:
I would be more than happy to help anyone reading this article - simply use our contact page to send me a message and I will call as soon as possible to answer some of your questions.
Rest assured, your questions will be answered with dignity, respect and compassion. Please note that our business is A+ accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), celebrating 21 years of excellence online. Furthermore, we have ZERO complaints on our BBB page (unlike our competitor, which has 100+ complaints)!
Please note that since 2019, I have completed over 1,000+ sextortion cases - many of which occurred during the pandemic. With my knowledge and experience, I can tell you how to avoid being exposed, including all of the scammer's dirty little tricks. This is explained in more detail further down.
Too shy for a call? Read on for answers to frequently asked questions.
How Long Does Sextortion Last?
Based on my experience, sextortionists typically stick around for up to 60 days. The first few days and weeks are by far the worst because the scam is fresh.
How long the scammers stick around for largely depends on which group of criminals you're dealing with, including their style, and evil tactics they use to force their victims to pay.
In some cases, scammers may opt to make a reappearance six months or a year later - but this depends on your circumstances, including how much you've already paid, what information they have on you (and your family members), and how much you have to lose.
Of course, this question on its own isn't enough to provide the full picture - so keep reading.
If you're in a panic, you can skip to my contact page if you'd like to discuss some of your options by phone. Ask up to 3 questions, up to 15 minutes FREE. Trust me, you'll be glad you did!
How Can You Help Me?
Simply put: if you haven't experienced sextortion before, you won't know what to expect. Not knowing what will happen can cause an extreme amount of anxiety.
That's where my knowledge and experience comes in. If you decide to hire me, I'll share with you my plan on how to stop sextortion based on previous cases I've worked on - including vitally important information that shows what the scammers are capable of, and how to avoid falling into their sinister tricks and traps they commonly use to force their victims to pay. In other words, what you'll receive from me is the truth.
On top of that, you'll also receive exceptional consultation whereby I answer all of your questions by phone, including custom advice per your circumstances.
I've heard over and over again from my clients that when they finish talking to me, their anxiety levels come way down. If you want the best possible outcome, you'll probably want to talk to me. Don't forget - a phone call is free up to 15 minutes. Ask me anything - all you need to do is send me an email.
In terms of sextortion, the top three questions I receive from clients are:
1. How do I stop the scammers from contacting people on social media? Is it possible? (Yes it is, if you know what the scammers typically do. If you don't know, it's likely to backfire because the scammers are very crafty and will do things you won't even think of. Speaking from experience, I can tell you that what the scammers say and what they actually do are two different things - and I can prove it by sharing with you the info I've collected from the 1,000+ cases I've worked on).
2. How do I stop the scammers from contacting my wife or girlfriend? What are my options if they make contact? (I have multiple, successful scenarios already made up based on previous cases - even difficult ones - and it's all based on what it is the scammers typically do. If you don't know, you'll be guessing at best and the outcome is likely going to be very poor).
3. What should I do about my work or school because they are threatening to release my information there? (I have ways to deal with this gracefully).
All of these answers - and much more - are answered and are available to you as paid support. Even if you have no intention of paying for the support, you can still ask me up to 3 questions (up to 15 minutes free) by phone - just send me an email.
Warning - please read carefully: At this time I would like to warn you about an online company that claims to fight sextortion by ID'ing the scammer and/or get them arrested and/or force the scammers to delete all your information. Please note that claims like this can't be proven. The company in question charges astronomical, non-refundable fees ($1500, $3500, $7200, and $20,000 for same day service) with a multi-phase plan ("Phase 1," and "Phase 2"), charges up to 18% interest, and goes by 10+ different names with multiple 1-800 phone numbers. The same company has over 100+ complaints lodged against them on the Better Business Bureau ( website since 2018 and a D+ rating, and has also been banned from Reddit due to too many negative reviews by the public, and fake posts recommending their services. The same company was also investigated by Fox News 11 LA for a data recovery scheme in 2009, warning the public against using their services. I can't say the name of the company here (and they 10+ different names they go by) because they've threatened to sue me if I do. Do your research before you hire anyone. Consider this a friendly warning!
Do Sextortionists Follow Through?
I've answered this question already in-depth with another article that I wrote, entitled "Do Blackmailers Follow Through? (And What to Expect)".
Here's the rundown:
Sextortion is an organized crime and the scammers work in groups. I can't
stress this enough! This means they will stick around for a while (often up
to 60 days) and pass your information on to the next guy in the group and/or
sell your information externally to other criminal syndicates. I've already
seen it happen in the case of sextortion, and while working with other
victims on other scams.
- The sextortionists are anonymous. Any information you have on them is
fake (including any names and addresses of people you sent money to). The
pictures and videos of the girl you thought you were talking to is actually
a former victim. She scammers were able to obtain her info by pretending to
be a guy and are turning around and using her pictures and videos to come
after you. She is in fact real - just not in the capacity you've been lead
to believe. The phone number and area code of the person scamming you is
fake, too. Scammers use apps on their phone such as "Hush" and "Text Now" to
give them any phone number with any area code they want. (How do I know all
of this? It's because I've taken the time to listen what my clients have to
say, and I've cross-referenced it with other cases I've worked on. That's
why hiring me to help
navigate this nightmare with you can lead to a highly beneficial outcome).
- Sextortion scammers are almost always overseas (usually Africa,
Philippines, Morocco, India, and Columbia). Hiring a lawyer to threaten an
anonymous scammer overseas isn't going to work. Asking police for help won't
work, either UNLESS you know 100% who's scamming you and they are local.
Most scammers are overseas.
- The scammers will do anything to get your money. This means that the scammers will use many different tactics to trick you into paying them. If you don't know what these tactics are, you'll likely fall into their traps. (That's where my experience comes in - I know what their tactics are and how to stop it from happening to you. Want the upper hand? Contact me here).
Speaking from experience:
- If you already paid the scammers, they will never stop asking for more.
It doesn't matter how much you've already paid, what price you initially
negotiated, or what excuse you give them: they will never stop asking for
more and will keep threatening if you don't pay.
- Your name and information will be shared amongst other scammers within the group. Some days you may be speaking to more than one scammer at the same time.
You may notice that their demeanor, spelling mistakes, grammar changes often
- it's because you're dealing with multiple people.
- You have a 50% chance of being exposed as each day passes. Even if you didn't get exposed on days 1 and 2, it doesn't mean that
on day 3 and 4, or two weeks from now the result will be the same because you're
dealing with multiple scammers.
- Different groups of criminals react differently. Some have short fuses while others don't. Based on my experience, African scammers are much more lenient than Philippine scammers and are willing to wait longer for cash, but it doesn't mean the outcome will be any different.
Should I Ignore Sextortion?
That's up to you because every case is different. The answer to this question largely depends on what information they have on you, and what you have to lose.
If you don't care if you get exposed (because you don't have much to lose) and you don't want to pay for assistance, then the easiest choice is to simply block them and hope for the best - because as I've mentioned already, you've got a 50% chance of being exposed.
That said, sextortion typically does not go away on its own - especially if you've already paid them. When you pay, the scammers often double down on their threats. In other words, you make it much worse by paying them.
Tip: In a previous article I've written on this subject entitled "Sextortion - What to Do", I recommend that you do not block or ignore the scammers. Instead, my recommendation is that you delay them for as long as possible until you have time to think about your options.
Here's why -
If the scammers can't get a hold of you, then they can't collect any money. Based on my experience, many scammers will start contacting family and friends to prove their point and to draw you back into the conversation. If you ignore them, they may follow through with their threats. I've already seen it happen plenty of times based on calls I've had with potential clients.
Most clients I speak to say they want to avoid being exposed, so my suggestion is that you stay in communication with them and try to delay until you can figure out your next move. You can always choose to block them later on if you can't afford paid assistance, for example. You have a 50% chance of being exposed as I mentioned previously.
If you're not sure what to do, I'm here to help. Contact me for an immediate call back - ask up to 3 questions, up to 15 minutes free. You will be treated with compassion and respect during our call.
Remember: if you pay the scammers anything, they will simply turn around and ask for more. You will not be any better off than if you did not pay them.
How Do You Fight Sextortion?
As I've mentioned previously, blocking a scammer might result in your exposure, which is why I don't recommend doing that especially if you care about being exposed.
To fight sextortion, you will need to think quickly and be prepared to wiggle your way out of some very difficult scenarios the scammers have already whipped up (i.e. "traps").
Here's why -
Scammers typically stick to a well rehearsed script full of dirty tricks; the problem is that there are different scammers in different parts of the world committing the same scam - each group of criminals propagates the scam differently than the next, which makes it very difficult to navigate especially if you haven't gone through it before.
(That's where I can help! Since 2019, I've successfully completed over 1,000+ cases and have a very keen understanding of this scam, including the many groups of criminals and their tactics. I'll use the information I've collected over the years to help give you the upper hand and to help prevent your exposure. As I've said multiple times throughout this article: what the scammers say they will do, and what they actually do are two different things - and I can prove it. Want to know how? Contact me here).
Scammers are usually very aggressive and do not leave you with any time to react. In this case, they will demand payment immediately or will threaten to expose you.
Here are typical examples of how the scammers can trap you unexpectedly:
- If you told the scammers you had a heart attack due to the stress of the
situation and can't pay, they will
undoubtedly ask for pictures as proof that you've been admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU)
at your local hospital. If you can't provide evidence, they will threaten
to expose you.
- If you told the scammers that you're on the way to the bank and it's taking too long, they will undoubtedly request a video call to prove you're on the way.
Some scammers (especially those from the Philippines) don't mind showing
their face over a video call. If you don't answer the phone, they may expose you on the spot.
- If you repeatedly give them excuses as to why you can't pay, they'll likely call your bluff. Quite often this is when the scammers will start reaching out to people to prove their point. Some scammers will expose you straight away because they have a short fuse (Philippine and Moroccan scammers especially). I've already seen it happen.
Want to end sextortion now? Contact me now and put this nightmare behind you as soon as possible.
How to Report Sextortion?
If want to report sextortion to the police, FBI, or try to get them banned on social media, you can - but it won't help.
Here's why:
- As I've mentioned already, most scammers are overseas. Going to the
police won't help because you don't even know who's scamming you.
At bare minimum, reporting your case to the police is a good idea if you want to prove to your workplace that you are taking things seriously. This alone won't be enough, however. You'll need to come up with a good story as to how you got into the situation in the first place, otherwise there is a possibility the company may terminate you. (Not sure how to proceed? I've got lots of experience with this and can help - contact me here).
- You can file a report with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) using the
IC3 crime reporting center, but
please be advised that the FBI won't call you on the phone or look into your case because there are
hundreds if not thousands of people filing reports on their website on a
daily bases.
Case and point: the only purpose of the IC3 website is to collect your information. At the end of the year, the FBI produces their annual report on Internet crimes so that the public can be aware of which crimes are on the rise. Here's proof: have a look at the IC3 2021 report here.
- You can also report the sextortion scammer's profile on social media in hopes of getting their account banned. Unfortunately, this will have zero effect on your problem because the scammers own multiple fake accounts on all social media and will simply come after you using another account (or go after your family and friends directly). I've already witnessed this hundreds of times, so in my opinion, don't even bother with this. It's a waste of time.
Tip: I also highly advise you do not shut down your social media accounts. A lot of scammers will check to see if you've done that, and if they find out that you did, will seek immediate retribution because they think you're running away, which means that they won't get paid. (I know all of this based on my experience, which makes me an expert in this topic. Want more expert advice? Contact me here for a free 15 minute phone call. Ask up to 3 questions free. Users that opt for my paid support will receive unparalleled support and a plan out of this nightmare that can be executed immediately).
Here are some additional resources:
- FBI:
2021 Report (pay attention to: Confidence Fraud / Romance Scams) -
$956M+ lost in 1 year
- FBI:
2022 Report (pay attention to: Confidence Fraud / Romance Scams) - $735M+ lost in 1 year
- Facebook:
What should I do if someone shares an intimate photo of me without my
- Facebook: How
to Report Things on Facebook (above link is more specific)
- FTC: What You Need to Know About Romance Scams
I hope that helps.
About the author: Dennis Faas is the CEO and owner of Since 2001, Dennis has dedicated his entire professional career helping others with technology-related issues with his unique style of writing in the form of questions-and-answers; click here to read all 2,000+ of Dennis' articles online this site. In 2014, Dennis shifted his focus to cyber crime mitigation, including technical support fraud and in 2019, sextortion. Dennis has received many accolades during his tenure: click here to view Dennis' credentials online; click here to see Dennis' Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science (1999); click here to read an article written about Dennis by Alan Gardyne of Associate Programs (2003). And finally, click here to view a recommendation for Dennis' services from the University of Florida (dated 2006).
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My name is Dennis Faas and I am a senior systems administrator and IT technical analyst specializing in cyber crimes (sextortion / blackmail / tech support scams) with over 30 years experience; I also run this website! If you need technical assistance , I can help. Click here to email me now; optionally, you can review my resume here. You can also read how I can fix your computer over the Internet (also includes user reviews).
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