Windows Tips

Dennis Faas's picture

Access Remote Computer Connected to Router

Betty R. writes: " I have certainly enjoyed the newsletter as it contains very important information that I cannot find anywhere else. Thanks for that, and I have downloaded your eBook to lean how to install a hard drive. ... My problem is that I am trying to set up my computer to act as as game server. To do this, I need to give other users my IP (Internet Protocol) address. Normally this would be an easy task, but my computer is sharing an Internet connection via a router. I have several computer friends in other states with whom I ... (view more)

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IE Script Error message when Printing: access denied?

Die-hard Infopackets Reader Colette C. writes: " Dear Dennis, I love your newsletter! It's very informative and gives us 'technologically challenged' folk a chance to understand what the heck is going on in the world of computers. Speaking of 'What ... the heck is going on?'... Occasionally, an error message appears in Internet Explorer when I try to print out something. It reads: 'Internet Explorer Script Error: An error has occurred in the script on this page. Error: Access is denied. Line: 93 Char: 1, Error: Access denied: 0, URL: res://C:\WINDOWS \ SYSTEM \ SHDOCLC.DLL / preview.dlg. Do ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Share Outlook Express emails among multiple XP user accounts?

Malcolm C. from Sydney, Australia writes: " Hi Dennis! First of all, thanks for the great Newsletter. It is very helpful and informative. And, now for my problem: I was reading an article in Microsoft Knowledge Base about 'How To Share the same ... email Store Folder among multiple Windows XP users [for a family PC, for example]' ( KB 317031 ) and thought that might be a good idea. Unfortunately, it seems somewhere I have made an error. I have 4 email accounts under my Windows login; now, all but 1 has lost all the emails and folders. The folders have been replaced with the standard Inbox, ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Java Wont Run on My Windows XP?

Infopackets Reader Pam S. writes: " Dear Dennis, I love your newsletter and it has helped me very much! One problem I've been having with my computer is the inability to run Java Scripts over the web. When my computer tries to initiate Java, a ... Window appears and tells me that it is missing shortcuts and cannot continue to run. I was told by a friend that I will have to reformat and possibly change operating systems ... I found that Windows 2000 was too difficult to use, so at this point, I reformatted and installed Windows XP Pro. Will I have to reformat again? " My response: As I ... (view more)

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Driver reinstall after System Restore?

Infopackets Reader Steve S. from Kentville, Nova Scotia writes: " Dear Dennis, Why is it desirable to backup windows driver files when I can use Windows System Restore to go back to a previous state of my computer's configuration in which everything ... was working fine? Is it because System Restore does not always restore all the necessary drivers? " My Response: As far as I understand, the Windows System Restore feature focuses primarily on restoring a working copy of the Windows Registry. As programs, operating system updates, and drivers are installed to a system, the Windows ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

$NtUninstall Folders in Windows directory?

Infopackets Reader Fran X. writes: " There are a lot of $NtUninstall folders in my Windows directory. What purpose do they serve and can I delete them from my hard drive? " My response: I looked on my own hard drive for these directories, but didn't ... see any. Curious as to what would cause this to happen, I decided to search for "$ntuninstall in windows folder". After a few listings, I found a newsletter article from which held the answer to Fran's dilemma. From the Lockergnome web site: " Question: In the Windows folder, there are many ... (view more)

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Windows XP Search Function Stops Working Intermittently?

Infopackets Reader 'Pac' writes: " Dear Dennis, For some unknown reason, my Search function has stopped working with Windows XP (Home Edition) ... I read your recent article, 'Windows Search options are Blank?': Windows Search Options are Blank, ... Part 2 But, my circumstances are different. If I put the name of whatever I am searching for, hit search, the hourglass icon appears and then the Windows Search appears to do nothing. When I hit CTRL + ALT + DEL, the search program starts working. This one has me stumped! I would love to have the search program working normally. Any assistance is ... (view more)

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A Backup Horror Story Computers Revolt

Yesterday's feature article on Eazy Backup stirred up some emotions from a few Infopackets Readers. In fact, Tina P. from Franklin, Indiana told me about her recent horror story: " Dear Dennis, I am grinning now, although I wasn't on Monday! I just ... finished reading yesterday's feature article on Eazy Backup , and must admit: doing regular backups is very important. I don't know if it was a combination of the full moon last Friday and Monday's date being the 13th -- but it seems that all of my electronic equipment have formed a revolt. On Thursday, my desktop's motherboard finally gave ... (view more)

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CTube! Internet TV and RealPlayer woes?

Gina D. writes: " Dear Dennis, After reading the article on CTube!, I downloaded it and installed on my machine ... only to find that I also needed to install RealPlayer to make it work. I went to the web site to download the latest version ... of RealPlayer, but could only find the RealOne Player available for download. I remember reading somewhere that RealOne Player uses pop up advertisements and I certainly don't want that. What can I do? " My response: Recall: CTube! is an onscreen guide and interface for Internet TV. The application works with Windows Media Player and ... (view more)

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Kazaa downloads are slow?

Bryan F. from Canada writes: " Dear Dennis, I just surfed in and read your article on Kazaa Lite ... RE: '[On] October 16, 2002, [the feature article of] the Gazette proposed the question of whether or not Kazaa (Sharman Networks) implemented some ... sort of bandwidth cap on downloads. ' I use the full version of Kazaa: only recently, I've had problems downloading. I seem to always get the message 'Need more sources', which stops any downloading. I've tried other source searching, but get the same result almost every time. I have tons of files to share and am listed as Superior Being, [so ... (view more)


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