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U.S. Presidential Candidates To Debate Online

In 1960, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon made history by participating in the first televised presidential debates. Now, today's presidential candidates are set to make history once again. The Huffington Post -- a political blog run by Arianna ... Huffington -- is teaming up with Yahoo and Slate Magazine to host the first-ever online presidential debates. The debates will take place after Labor Day -- with one for the Republican candidates and another for the Democrats. PBS host Charlie Rose will moderate the proceedings. Prospective voters will be able to submit questions for the candidates, ... (view more)

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Possible Future President Campaigns In Online Game

In 1993, Bill Clinton made the radical move of taking his campaign to the airwaves of MTV -- and he ended up becoming the President of the United States. Thirteen years later, Mark Warner is breaking new ground of his own. On Thursday, August 31st, ... the former Virginia governor and possible future President campaigned in the virtual world of an online video game called Second Life. (Source: 1up.com ) "In Second Life, distances and time differences vanish. It will allow us to reach people through a whole new medium," Warner said, explaining his reasons for making an appearance in the game. " ... (view more)

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'Yale Shmale': Northern Ontario University Rips Bush, Ivy League School

In the midst of my scouring the web for the day's most interesting tech headlines, I stumbled across something completely unrelated to Microsoft, Apple, or even Sony. Why'd I decide to click, and then comment on it? Call it national interest. As a ... recent MA History graduate who wrote his thesis on border economics and culture, it appeared particularly fascinating that Thunder Bay, Ontario's Lakehead University has recently attracted the ire of American yuppies with its public criticism of Yale University, whose amlumnae include the last three U.S. Presidents. So, what is Lakehead's ... (view more)

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ClintonGate: Hilary Clinton Planning a Video Game Tax?

While U.S. President George W. Bush wages war against the Middle East, New York Junior Senator Hilary Clinton has strapped on her own combat fatigues -- but she's aiming her missiles in a different direction: toward the video game industry. Last ... Year In 2005, Bill Clinton's wife grabbed headlines by launching an over-the-top tirade against video games. She dramatically proclaimed that games are "stealing the innocence of our children and ... making the difficult job of being a parent even harder." (Source: senate.gov ) Despite drowning in a sea of hyperbole, Hilary's 2005 proposal to penalize ... (view more)


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