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Windows 8 a 'Risky Product,' Says Microsoft

There's no denying it: Windows 7 has been a runaway success for Microsoft. Tablets from virtually unknown companies merely running the new operating system (OS) sell out in days and most firms plan to upgrade from Windows XP and Vista in the next ... year or two. But all that success means there's a lot of pressure on Microsoft to produce another winner in a few years time. Windows 8 a 'Risky Product,' Says MS CEO In a recent presentation before an audience of industry analysts, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer noted that Windows 8 -- which some experts have predicted will ship in just two years -- ... (view more)

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Businesses Anxious of MS Office 2010 Upgrade: Report

A new survey of Information Technology (IT) professionals suggests that business users are not rapidly adopting Microsoft's newest office application suite, Office 2010. However, the very same poll indicates interest remains high in the software, ... and it could be a matter of time before companies change their tune. Dimensional Research for Dell Kace (a software management company) is responsible for the survey, which was conducted in September. Dimensional Research interviewed 935 IT professionals using a web-based poll, with most questions related to their use of Microsoft products, including ... (view more)

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MS Recruits Old Spice Guy for Windows Phone 7 Ad

When Old Spice deodorant commercials launched earlier this year, they featured actor and former National Football League (NFL) player Isaiah Mustafa. Using quick-witted, edgy writing with cutting-edge computer-generated images, the ads brought lots ... of attention to the long-time and well-known deodorant company. Now, Microsoft is cashing in on the Mustafa fanfare, which they hope will bring the same attention to Windows Phone 7 in Australia. Windows Phone 7 Commercials "Too Weird" Some say the Mustafa ad is a reaction to complaints that Microsoft's first Windows Phone 7 placements ... (view more)

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Windows 8 in 2012 Too Soon for Consumers: Report

A report this week from industry analyst Gartner suggests Microsoft may face resistance to Windows 8 if the operating system is released in 2012, as planned. Given how many people have desperately clung to the decade-old Windows XP , it's no ... surprise. Gartner: Consumers Have Their Limits According to Gartner researcher Michael Silver, the public's issue with Windows 8 probably won't have much to do with the operating system (OS) itself, but merely exhaustion with being told over and over to upgrade -- in 2006 to Vista, in 2009 to Windows 7, and again, it's expected, in 2012 to some other ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Now the Fastest-Selling OS in History

Although it continues to languish well behind Windows XP in overall usage, Windows 7 is now the fastest-growing, most widely-adopted operating system in history. A new study has found that a vast majority of new PCs ship with Windows 7 ... pre-installed, helping it vault past its immediate predecessor. Microsoft proudly announced earlier this year that Windows 7 had surpassed Windows Vista. That was expected: Windows 7 has been part of Microsoft's crusade to redeem itself for Vista's many problems, which included -- amongst other things -- compatibility issues and overall poor performance. In the ... (view more)

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Microsoft Details MS Office 365, an Online Office Suite

Microsoft has formally unveiled the most comprehensive online version of its MS Office software to date. "Office 365," as it's called, is currently being beta tested in 13 countries and it's expected to be publicly available in 40 countries next ... year. MS Office 365 Uses Cloud Computing Technology The idea behind Office 365 is that it uses cloud computing technology. It's a service that allows businesses to access Office tools over the Internet, rather than have to physically install the software on a per-machine basis. The concept also means employees can access Office from any ... (view more)

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Microsoft Stops XP Shipments; Win8 Details Emerge

The death knell tolls for Windows XP. The decade-old operating system is no longer being shipped to PC makers -- otherwise known as original equipment manufacturers, or "OEMs". The kill date came officially on October 22nd, which was Windows 7's ... first birthday. The news comes as little surprise to most, given that Microsoft had already cut off options to pre-install Windows XP back in 2008 . (Source: ) Windows 7, Vista Can Be Downgraded to XP Some fans have continued to enjoy access to the uber-popular Windows XP -- particularly users of low-end PCs like netbooks, and ... (view more)

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Microsoft Readies $500M Push for Motion-Sensing Peripheral

After four years of relative quiet, the video game console market is once again heating up. Nearly half a decade after Nintendo set the standard for motion-sensitive gameplay with its Nintendo Wii console, Microsoft is countering with the Kinect ... peripheral for its Xbox 360, and the Redmond-based firm is spending big, big bucks on advertising in hopes that it will be a success. Microsoft to Spend $500 Million On Kinect Advertising According to reports, Microsoft will spend an estimated $500 million on marketing alone in promoting Kinect, a system add-on for its Xbox 360 console. The peripheral ... (view more)

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Microsoft Unveils Windows 7 For Cars

On Tuesday, Microsoft unveiled Windows Embedded Automotive 7, a Windows platform specially built for use in new vehicles. The system includes several new features that should drastically enhance the driving experience, including speech recognition ... operations, touch screen controls, hands-free Bluetooth, and perhaps most unique of all, entertainment and information options ranging from satellite maps to music and third-party applications. Bringing Tech Together Behind the Wheel Gartner Industry Advisory Service Manufacturing group vice president Thilo Koslowski says the use of a Windows 7 ... (view more)

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Bill Gates Successor Quits Microsoft

High-profile executive and software visionary Ray Ozzie has announced he is leaving Microsoft. It's a move that has prompted great speculation in the tech industry, including whether or not the company will remain effective in its plans for online ... computing. Ray Ozzie a Key Figure of Microsoft Ozzie was Microsoft's Chief Software Architect. That's not a precisely defined term, but one could draw conceptual parallels with the work of a traditional architect: a software architect makes the key design decisions about how software should be built and how it will operate. Given Microsoft's line of ... (view more)


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