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Major Changes Coming at Microsoft, Report Suggests

It's expected Microsoft chief executive officer Steve Ballmer will introduce a major shakeup at his firm. According to a new report, layoffs of prominent Microsoft officials could be at the heart of that makeover. AllThingsD blogger and Microsoft ... insider Kara Swisher says she's learned Ballmer will officially unveil his plans to restructure Microsoft in a meeting with company executives sometime between now and July 1, 2013. Swisher suggests a key component of that restructuring plan will involve layoffs and that "many top managers" are "worried" this could result in the end of their tenures ... (view more)

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Gartner: Windows 8.1 Great, but PCs in Trouble

Analyst firm Gartner has both good and bad news for Microsoft. The good news: Gartner thinks Windows 8.1 (otherwise known as 'Windows Blue' ) represents a major improvement for the firm's Windows 8 operating system (OS). The bad news: PC sales ... continue to slump, and it's unlikely Windows 8.1 will do much to right the sinking ship. In a recent report called "Windows 8.1 Could Become What Windows 8 Should Have Been," Gartner says Windows 8.1 effectively addresses all of the problems preventing the new OS from becoming a runaway success. Analysts Appreciate Windows 8.1's New Features What did ... (view more)

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Find a Windows 8.1 Exploit, Earn $100,000

Microsoft says it's willing to pay security researchers $100,000 for helping them discover and prevent attacks on the firm's upcoming Windows 8.1 (otherwise known as 'Windows Blue' ). The reward is part of a new campaign designed to beef up the ... security defenses of Microsoft products. One part of this new campaign is being called "BlueHat Bonus for Defense," which is based on a 2011 contest where Microsoft rewarded security researchers with a "BlueHat Prize". The new BlueHat Bonus for Defense project will offer up to $50,000 for new security ideas related to Microsoft products. (Source: ... (view more)

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Microsoft Office Arrives On iPhone, But Not iPad

You can now access the Microsoft Office software suite on your Apple iPhone. However, Microsoft doesn't appear to have any plans to extend that support to Apple's iPad tablet computer. Starting late last week Microsoft made Office Mobile for iPhone ... available through Apple's app store. A subscription costs $100 per year and gives users access to the cloud-focused Office 365 . Excel, Word, PowerPoint Now Available to iPhone Users Using the new Office 365 app, iPhone users can create, read, and edit Word documents and Excel spreadsheets. They can also create slide presentations using PowerPoint ... (view more)

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Microsoft Security Action Arouses Major Controversy

Security experts say they're upset with Microsoft after the Redmond, Washington-based firm recently took actions to disable botnets associated with the 'Citadel' malware. The problem: Microsoft also disrupted important research being carried out by ... security experts. Citadel is a form of keylogging malware used by hackers to steal login information and passwords, thereby giving cybercriminals access to banking accounts and other web services. It's estimated that more than one thousand botnets were using the Citadel malware to carry out cybercriminals' attacks. At the time Microsoft acted on ... (view more)

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Save Energy, Use Internet Explorer: Microsoft

A new report has found that Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser uses less power than the competition. According to a study commissioned by the Redmond, Washington-based firm, Internet Explorer is 18 per cent more energy-efficient than Google ... Chrome (version 26) and Mozilla's Firefox (version 21). The study was carried out by the Center for Sustainable Energy Systems, which examined the power consumption of web browsers running on laptop and desktop computers. PC Magazine notes that if every user of Chrome or Firefox switched to using Internet Explorer 10 and the Windows 8 operating ... (view more)

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Microsoft Accused of Unfairly Promoting Xbox One

Microsoft is being accused of manipulating comments about the soon-to-be released Xbox One on social media site Reddit. Reddit users (called 'Redditors') can post news articles, reviews, photos, etc., on the site and have the public vote a ... submission "up" or "down" in an effort to rank the post and determine its position on the site's pages. Now, a Redditor using the alias "mistysilver" claims Microsoft representatives have been voting up positive comments about the Xbox One and voting down negative posts about the console, which is expected to be released later this year. Microsoft Employees ... (view more)

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June Patch Tuesday Fixes 'Downright Scary' IE Flaw

Microsoft's June 2013 Patch Tuesday security update includes a fix for an Internet Explorer flaw that could allow hackers to remotely take control of a system. The update, which will arrive tomorrow, addresses a serious vulnerability affecting ... versions 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser. Internet Explorer Vulnerability "Downright Scary" "This one would make it easy to remotely gain access to someone's machine via a malicious webpage," noted CORE Security development manager, Ken Pickering. "Bulletin One is downright scary." To exploit the flaw, hackers ... (view more)

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Microsoft Cuts Windows 8 Price, Offers Free Office

Microsoft has slashed the price of Windows 8 and Windows RT licenses for tablet computers in an effort to drive up interest in its latest operating system. The firm has also revealed plans to include free Microsoft Office software packages with new ... tablet devices running Windows 8.1 or Windows RT. Microsoft OEM division vice president Nic Parker made the announcement at the Computex trade show taking place in Taiwan. Licensing Costs for Manufacturers Slashed Parker says the discount will apply to devices running Windows RT and Windows 8.1 / Windows Blue , the updated version of Microsoft's ... (view more)

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Microsoft: Why Businesses Will Want Windows Blue

If Microsoft wants its Windows 8 operating system (OS) to be successful with business users, it will need to convince them that the new OS contains useful features not seen in previous versions of Windows. Microsoft recently revealed that Windows ... Blue will revive the beloved Start button and will allow Windows 8 users to boot directly to the desktop. However, at the TechEd conference currently being held in New Orleans, Microsoft focused exclusively on the features Windows Blue -- or Windows 8.1 -- will offer enterprise users. Windows Azure, Windows Server Integration First, Microsoft says ... (view more)


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