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Seinfeld-Microsoft Ads Continue To Befuddle Critics

Microsoft has released the second in its new series of adverts that more closely resemble a Seinfeld episode than what one might expect from a software company promoting its newest, most troubled operating system. The latest instalment runs for a ... staggering four-and-a-half minutes in its uncut YouTube version, though TV spots will be edited down. Seinfeld and Gates spend time living with a 'typical' American family ending with the pair performing manual labor as punishment after the children frame them for stealing a giraffe. Seriously. There's still no mention of specific products; indeed, ... (view more)

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Age-Limited Digital Playgrounds Proposed By Microsoft

As part of its Trustworthy Computing Initiative, based on building the concept of "End to End Trust" proposed by Microsoft in April at the RSA Security Conference, Microsoft reportedly wants to create "digital playgrounds", sites where visitors have ... to prove their age using digital identity credentials. Microsoft is hoping its measures will make the Internet safer for children and adults wanting to conduct business, make transactions, and communicate confidently with people who are who they say they are. Part of the challenge concerns how to add more identity authentication without ... (view more)

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Microsoft Debuts Seinfeld Vista Ad, Critics Puzzled

Microsoft has aired the first in a series of ads featuring Jerry Seinfeld, former star of the popular 90s sitcom, "Seinfeld". Although he's guaranteed $10 million for the gig, Seinfeld's impact on Vista sales is yet unknown, and the campaign itself ... has done little to win over the mainstream media. The Seinfeld campaign is part of a $300 million marketing blitz to resurrect Vista's damaged image. Other tactics include comparing sceptics to people who once believed the Earth was flat, and a series of videos showing members of the public reacting positively to a presentation of 'Mojave ... (view more)

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Microsoft Hopes Vista Users Prefer Fame to Fixes

News has been spreading rapidly across the tech world regarding Microsoft's recent decision to hire Jerry Seinfeld, famed comedian and former sitcom star, as its primary spokesman for an advertising campaign designed to sell Windows Vista, the ... company's down-and-out operating system (OS). Released early last year, Windows Vista has undergone some tough times. Repeatedly berated by tech experts for its design flaws that compromise security or generally dampen system performance, the OS continues to be outsold by its predecessor , Windows XP. In the constantly-changing tech world, that's a bit ... (view more)

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Report Suggests More Than 1/3 of New PCs Downgraded to XP

A performance and metrics researcher reportedly estimates that more than one in every three new PCs -- approximately 35% of over 3,000 PCs -- has downgraded from Windows Vista to Windows XP, either at the factory or by the buyer. The data was ... provided by users to Devil Mountain Software Inc's. -- which it kicked off last year and expanded by partnering with InfoWorld -- to come up with their numbers. By collating things such as the vendor and system model number with manufacturer's catalogs, machines were identified that were probably shipped within the past six months ... (view more)

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Windows XP Still Outselling Windows Vista

While Microsoft excitedly tries to sway public opinion by touting that Windows Vista License sales top 180 Million units, Hewlett-Packard (HP) was busy smacking Microsoft down -- reportedly shipping PCs with a Vista Business license but with Windows ... XP pre-loaded in the majority of business computers sold since the June 30 Windows XP execution date established by Microsoft -- casting a lot of doubt over how many copies of Vista have actually been sold. In other words, Microsoft counts a sale for Windows Vista even though the computer manufacturer actually sold Windows XP. It's kind of ironic ... (view more)

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Microsoft Announces Live Search for Facebook

After losing its bid to take over rival search engine Yahoo and gain greater influence on the web, Microsoft has shifted its strategy in trying to reach web users. The Redmond-based company announced last week that it will be providing search ... services and online advertising for social networking giant Facebook. No, this is not a case of deja vu. Yes, Microsoft is already working alongside Facebook, but this most recent deal augments their outstanding 2006 advertising agreement in which Microsoft acquired 5 per cent of the social networker for $240 million. (Source: ) How will ... (view more)

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Microsoft Spends $100k On Open Source

Microsoft is funding one of the biggest open-source organisations to the tune of $100,000. But it's not an out-and-out backing of the open-source concept. The software giant is giving the cash to the Apache Foundation, a non-profit group designed to ... co-ordinate several projects including the Apache web server, software that physically handles requests for web pages and the files involved. Apache's web server arguably made the World Wide Web what it is today. At one point, the majority of sites used it and even today it's still the most popular with a 49% market share. Major sites such as ... (view more)

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Microsoft, Yahoo, and Icahn Continue to Bicker Long After We All Stopped Caring

They're at it again. Earlier this week, Microsoft, Icahn and Yahoo! all released competing statements about recent talks between the three parties. Another endless discussion in an endless fight for corporate control wouldn't rate coverage at this ... point, but in this case it's interesting to note that Microsoft and Icahn felt they needed to 'set the record straight. ' Did Yahoo! lie or just misinterpret the most recent events? You be the judge. On July 14, Yahoo released a statement rejecting the most recent offer from Microsoft to obtain the search component of Yahoo's business. According to ... (view more)

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Microsoft Resorts To Propaganda To Sell Vista

Since retiring Windows XP on June 30 of this year, Microsoft has been making a push to repair the reputation of Windows Vista while attempting to gain more support from small businesses. Eighteen months after Vista shipped, Microsoft finally ... confessed to what everyone already knew: Vista has problems. More accurately, as noted by Information Week, Microsoft is admitting that Vista had problems shortly after its release, but claims they've been fixed, so it's safe to switch to Vista now. It's not quite that simple though. A couple days ago Microsoft announced the launch of the Windows Vista ... (view more)


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