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Win7 XP Mode Lacks Vendor Support, Microsoft Vexed

When news of Windows 7's XP Mode was revealed, there was much rejoicing among those who were concerned about legacy support. However, it appears that XP mode won't do everything many hoped it would, and will be unavailable to many Intel users. ... (Source: ) Windows 7's XP Mode (also known as "XPM") is a virtualization feature that will allow some users of Windows 7 Premium to run Windows XP apps in a virtual machine. However, it appears that Microsoft may be rushing a technology that is receiving spotty support from chipmakers Intel and AMD. (Source: ) There is ... (view more)

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Microsoft Nailed with $200M MS Word Patent Infringement

Microsoft has been slapped by a heavy hand for including a Canadian company's technology in Microsoft Word. A Texas federal court recently decided that the Redmond-based firm infringed on Toronto-based i4i's XML-based patent. Canada's i4i raised its ... concerns in 2007, suing Microsoft for altering the XML (eXtensive Markup Language) in Microsoft Word 2003 and 2007. According to i4i, the customization of this process violated its patent. Microsoft denied the charges, insisting that its own patent is valid and has nothing to do with i4i technology. (Source: ) Microsoft Appeals Ruling ... (view more)

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MS Announces Netflix Deal, Media Center Streaming

Microsoft has announced it will stream movies from Netflix through its Windows Media Center software. It's a major breakthrough in the firm's attempt to make sure that PCs can compete with game consoles and dedicated devices in the streaming market. ... Netflix already provides Xbox 360 DVD rentals , allowing customers to watch directly on their TV sets. Until now, PC users had only been able to watch streaming movies from Netfix on their computer screens. Streaming it to a TV set could only be done through "unofficial" methods and copy protection meant the resulting image would be of a ... (view more)

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MS Laptop Ads Hurting Apple's Image, Study Suggests

In a recent study Microsoft surpassed Apple in value perception scores, meaning those participating felt they got more value when purchasing a Windows PC. The study, launched by advertising trackers BrandIndex, included some 5,000 people and lasted ... several months. Research began right around the same time Microsoft revved up its popular and controversial ad campaign dubbed "Laptop Hunters," which follows real consumers challenged by the Redmond firm to find the cheapest laptop with a specific set of features. Most of the time they settle on PCs for about $500 to $1,000, making premium Apple ... (view more)

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Win7 RC1 Market Shares Slide, Microsoft Optimistic

After a steady increase in market shares since the first week it was made available to the public, gains for Windows 7 release candidate (RC 1) have started to decrease at a consistent pace each day, according to reports. This is dismal news for ... Microsoft, considering that RC 1 release date was just 2 weeks ago on May 4, 2009. The bottom line: if market shares are starting to decline now, while the product is supposed to be in high demand, the actual release of Windows 7's full version will not be very well received by the public either. Consumer Interest Decreases The reports don't suggest ... (view more)

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Mac Users Outraged by MS Powerpoint Patch

Windows users have received a patch meant to fix a potentially serious security loophole in PowerPoint. However, Microsoft has earned criticism for not simultaneously issuing a patch for the Mac edition. Microsoft has been aware of the problem for ... weeks. The issue could let hackers trick users into opening an infected PowerPoint file, and would then be able to take control of a system. Microsoft figured out a solution for Windows, but hasn't yet done so for the Mac edition. This left the firm in an unenviable dilemma about whether to wait until it had a Mac patch ready or issue the Windows ... (view more)

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Win7 Hardware Compatibility Much Improved over Vista

Microsoft says it's working with 10,000 software and hardware manufacturers to maximize the compatibility of Windows 7, in an attempt to avoid one of the most critical issues with Windows Vista. Bill Veghte, the Microsoft executive who oversees ... Windows development, says the work of 10,000 firms towards optimum compatibility is evidence that his company is serious about making the Windows 7 experience a convenient, easy, and enjoyable one. Veghte went on to say that the current efforts are unprecedented for the release candidate stage and Microsoft normally doesn't get to the 10,000 firm ... (view more)

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Key Features in Windows 7: Upgrading from XP, Vista

As Windows 7 slowly creeps towards its holiday season release date , consumers will undoubtedly be wondering if the upgrade is worth it. In this article we'll briefly discuss some of the key features in Windows 7 that you won't find in Vista or XP. ... Let's start with the features new to Windows 7 -- particularly those that will be most appealing to consumers interested in making an early upgrade, or buying a new PC with Windows 7 loaded. Customization and Power Saving Options Perhaps the best part of Windows 7 is its customization options. To say the least, this is the most configurable ... (view more)

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Vista Ultimate Users Demand Free Upgrade to Win7

When Microsoft released Windows Vista "Ultimate Edition" a while back, many users purchased the special version because of the promised "extras" not available to standard Vista users. Imagine the disappointment when Microsoft failed to live up to ... the hype. (Source: ) Now, a group of dejected consumers are urging Microsoft to give all Vista Ultimate owners a free upgrade to Windows 7 as compensation for their trouble. Vista Ultimate Disappointment In 2007, amidst the anticipation and fanfare over the upcoming "Ultimate" version release of Vista, Microsoft began touting all ... (view more)

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MS Confirms: Windows 7 to arrive before Christmas

In the tech world, Christmas time is key to successful sales. Failing to release Windows Vista by December 25, 2006 was a large setback for Microsoft, which afterwards watched in vain as consumers opted for the older XP instead. It's not clear if a ... Christmas release would have changed that for the likes of Vista, but holiday sales may have helped cement it as a 'must-have' for consumers. That said, Microsoft will likely not make that same mistake again. The Redmond-based company has confirmed that Windows 7 will in fact be released in time for the holidays, and the move could help drive up ... (view more)


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