
Dennis Faas's picture

First Programming Tools, Part 2

In Part 1 we talked about some general purpose text editors. All good tools and you really should have one on hand for use. But, since we're thinking of writing HTML code, why not use a Web Page Editor? These editors are designed specifically to ... make web page development easier. Some of them even provide a browser function that allows you to write a little and then look at it as though you were using your web browser with out loading it. There are a lot of them available, some are quite expensive and have a learning curve (time to learn) that is really long before you become proficient. I ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

First Programming Tools, Part 1

It occurs to me that there are a lot of folks that, like me, enjoy using the computer. It becomes more than a fancy typewriter or a games machine or even a jukebox for playing music. We start thinking about how much we would like to make the ... computer do what we want. We want to 'program' the machine! Strangely enough, it doesn't take years of education at the college level to do that. There are tutorials and free software available that we can collect and use to become the magician. Not to mention the thousands of books that are sold in bookstores that cover the subject. So, exactly what ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Reinstall / Repair Internet Explorer?

Infopackets Reader Morris K. writes: " Dear Dennis, Whenever I click on my EarthLink icon to start the Internet (and to launch Internet Explorer), my computer freezes up for a few minutes -- and then all the sudden, I have 50 or 60 copies of ... Internet Explorer (IE) sitting in my task bar! The odd thing is that if I try to close some of the windows, more IE Windows start re-launching. I am stumped how to solve this. Is there a way to reinstall or repair Internet Explorer? " My response: It's possible that your computer was infected with Spyware and the Spyware infection wasn't ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Rip Internet Radio (Audio Streaming)?

Infopackets Reader 'theMick37' writes: " Dear Dennis, There is so much great info on your web site! Thanks for that. I was wondering if there is any programs (freeware preferred) that can record Internet radio [audio]? I have WinAmp and there are ... some great radio stations. I'd like to record the audio to my hard drive so I can listen to that same music later or in WinAmp later on. Thanks for any information you can provide. " My response: According to, "recording Internet radio still remains in legal limbo, and there's some precedent for it being legal, since you can ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Use Yahoo email with Outlook Express (free)?

Infopackets Reader Janice C. writes: " Dear Dennis, I use Outlook Express as my primary email program. I also use Yahoo email via my web browser for a secondary email account (mostly to subscribe to free online draws, lotto's, etc). If possible, I'd ... like to hook up my Yahoo email address into Outlook Express. I've tried to add my yahoo email address into Outlook Express, but it doesn't work. Can you please tell me how to this? " My response: I've answered this question before (but it's worth going over once more). In a nutshell, Outlook Express only supports POP3 and IMAP mail ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Digital photo (pictures) too large for email?

Infopackets Reader Jodie K. writes: " Dear Dennis, When I take pictures with my digital camera and upload them on my computer, the pictures are very, very large! When I try to send in email, it takes forever to send my pictures to friends. I'd like ... to know how can I make my digital pictures smaller, so they won't take up so much space in emails. Thank you for any advice you can give! " My response: The short answer is that you will have to resize the picture before sending it off through email. By resizing the picture into a smaller resolution, the picture file size will also shrink ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture 1-click answers to 1 million topics at your fingertips, Part 2

Last week, I wrote about a new, free service called that offers '1-click answers to 1 million topics at your fingertips.' Since the article was published, I've received a number of positive emails. Infopackets Reader Dawn B. writes: " ... Dear Dennis, Recently, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I have been scouring the Internet for anything I could find pertaining to his illness, but was discouraged by all the irrelevant pages and 'page not found' errors. After I read your article on, I decided to give it a try. Let me tell you -- I was completely amazed! ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture 1-click answers to 1 million topics at your fingertips

Question: aside from Google, what's the coolest and the most quickest way to get definitions and explanations for over 1 million topics, including persons, places, and things? Answer: No kidding! Powered by GuruNet technology, ... acts much like a hybrid Internet-based Encyclopedia and Search Engine all-in-one on steroids. As opposed to standard search engines that serve up a list of links for you to follow, displays quick, snapshot answers with concise, reliable information and incorporates content from "over 100 authoritative encyclopedias, dictionaries ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Hide list of email addresses when sending message?

Infopackets Reader Harv S. writes: " Dear Dennis, I need to know how to list several addresses in such a way that no one knows who else received the message. If I list them separated with the semi-colon all addresses are sent to everyone. Would ... appreciate any help and thanks for your information site as it is really helpful. " My response: What you are referring to is called Blind Carbon Copy, or BCC. If you use Outlook Express: Create your message (or reply to message) Click view -> all headers in the message window BCC will be shown Insert the remaining email addresses in the ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture -- the ultimate free anti-spam solution?, Part 2

Last week, I wrote about a free anti-spam solution called Recall -- " I recently stumbled across a web site that offers a free, seamless anti-spam solution: all without the need to install special, third-party software or to configure ... complex mail filter rules ... The free service can be used for 1 email account and is compatible with any computer (Linux, Mac, or Windows) ... works with POP3 email, Hotmail, Yahoo, and Gmail accounts ... 0Spam operates silently and works by standing in-between your email server(s) and the Internet, and scans your incoming email for ... (view more)


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