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Novell Partners Again; This Time with Red Hat and Mozilla

It started with just Novell and Microsoft. If you haven't been reading along, the two companies recently joined forces in order to root out the many programming issues lying between Linux and Microsoft Windows. And although that relationship has had ... some rocky moments (mostly as a result of MS' patent infringement allegations), Novell is bridging out once, again. This time it's joining forces with Red Hat and Mozilla programmers in an attempt to avoid problematic technical boundaries between Firefox and Linux. Some Red Hat programmers have gone so far as to refer to the stability of Linux as ... (view more)

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BitTorrent: Small Media Distributor to Topple Online Movie Giants

BitTorrent has secured a series of high-profiled agreements that will likely transform their company into a household name. The budding online video distributors are looking to make a major impact by signing deals with Paramount, MTV and 20th ... Century Fox, among other lesser known studios. BitTorrent is a peer-assisted digital content delivery service that enables registered users to publish and download content from a list of popular movies, music, games and other entertainment media. (Source: ) The company has already acquired the rights to distribute content from Warner Bros. ... (view more)

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Yahoo Planning for Makeover?

Yahoo's Senior Vice President Brad Garlinghouse caused a bit of a stir recently when he posted an internal memo calling for dramatic company change. The memo, entitled "The Peanut Butter Manifesto," outlined the company's numerous problems. When ... discussing Yahoo's lack of focus, Garlinghouse chose a very appropriate analogy: "I've heard our strategy described as spreading peanut butter across the myriad opportunities that continue to evolve in the online world. The result: a thin layer of investment spread across everything we do and thus we focus on nothing in particular. I hate peanut ... (view more)

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Tutorialicious: Online Tutorials Aggregator

If you've ever tried to learn some programming or Photoshop on your own, you know that you've spent many an hour googling what it is you're trying to do. But now comes tutorialicious, an online tutorial aggregator that groups together the best ... programming, design and Photoshop tutorials on the web. With tutorialicious, you can isolate just one type of tutorial category (e.g. AJAX) by clicking its link to filter the view, or you can view all of them grouped together. There is also a link to submit a tutorial, so if you know of any (or if you have written any!), you can contribute them to the ... (view more)

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Plagiarism Scandal Strikes Wikipedia

With the advent of the Internet, plagiarism has become a disease that teachers, web administrators, and editors alike have been trying to eradicate. Latest in the fight against plagiarism is a case regarding Wikipedia. Wikipedia is an online ... encyclopedia that is written and edited entirely by its users. Recently, a critic of the site has accused Wikipedia of containing several biographical articles that seem to have word-for-word passages stolen from other websites. The critic, Daniel Brandt, found the suspected plagiarism examples by using a program that he created to run a few sentences ... (view more)

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Stats Canada: Online Shopping Not Preferred Amongst Most Canadians

Statistics Canada announced that Canadians only purchased $7.9 billion worth of goods and services over the Internet in 2005. This figure is rather low, considering that $762 billion was spent on online goods and services worldwide in the same year. ... (Source: ) Other data revealed that nearly 7 million Canadians 18 years or older placed actual online orders, while in excess of 9 million Canadians logged on primarily to browse the products available. The most common online purchases included hotel reservations and car rentals, followed by books, magazines and various ... (view more)

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Criminal Activity Posted On YouTube Leads To Arrest

A young hooligan in North Wales stole a pair of sunglasses -- right from someone's face -- and then posted the evidence of his criminal act on Real intelligent, mate. On the video-sharing website, the self-described "bald lad" refers to ... his behavior as "Absolutely WILD!!" The clip begins with a man grinning wickedly as he walks down a storefront street. He then quickly pilfers another person's sunglasses. But before the victim can react, the thief runs off like a coward. It ends with the criminal's buddies laughing and waving. The video -- which was titled "Wild specs robbery" ... (view more)

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Internet Explorer 8.0 Already Rumored

Have you recently made the leap of faith from the relatively-buggy Internet Explorer 6 to the recently released and even-more-buggy IE7? IE7 is Microsoft's latest web browser and promises better options and security. Although it has gone through its ... own controversy in recent weeks, Internet Explorer 7 is generally considered an advancement in Internet surfing. And with that said, there are strong rumors that the Redmond-based company has already begun working on Internet Explorer "Next," which should be ultimately dubbed Internet Explorer 8.0. Recently appointed Internet Explorer platform ... (view more)

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Mozilla To Unveil Firefox 2.0 Today

With last week's release of Internet Explorer 7, Mozilla refuses to let Microsoft take centre stage for long. The company recently announced that it will be rolling out Firefox 2.0, the newest version of the popular web browser. The scheduled date ... for the release is set for Tuesday, October 24th. Mozilla's Vice President of Products, Christopher Beard, has said that Firefox 2.0 will be available for download free of charge from the company's website, (Source: ) Firefox 2.0 promises improved features and functionality, and asserts its superiority not only over its ... (view more)

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The First Nation Where All Kids Have Online Access May Be ... Libya?

Remember that old TV commercial where each desk in a classroom represented a different country's educational ranking? At the end of the advertisement, an American kid walked to his desk -- and it was way in the back, symbolizing the U.S.'s poorer ... standard of education compared to the rest of the world. By 2008, the U.S. -- and every other country in the world -- may be left in the shade again ... this time, by Libya. By June 2008, Libya hopes to give every single one of its schoolchildren access to a laptop -- 1.2 million, to be exact. If successful, the third world nation could become the ... (view more)


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