Carol's Corner Office

Dennis Faas's picture

Grid Line Colors in MS Excel

Although I find that the light gray color of the grid lines in MS Excel is just right for me, some folks have problems with it. Luckily, you can change the grid line color to something more suitable to your tastes. Follow the steps below to change ... the color of the grid lines: Select Tools | Options from the main menu. On the View tab, find the Window option section. Choose a color from the Gridlines Color (Excel 2002, 2003) or Color (Excel 97, 2000) drop-down list. You are now returned to your worksheet with grid lines the color of your liking. When you become a member at CarolsCornerOffice. ... (view more)

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Split a Bulleted List Between Slides in MS PowerPoint

I don't know of a way to build in automatic overflow of text to a new slide in PowerPoint like you can do with text boxes in Word or in Publisher. However, once your presentation is designed, you can split a bullet list between two slides. Follow ... the steps below to split up a bulleted list in your PowerPoint presentation: In Normal view, switch to the Outline tab. Move the insertion point where you want to split the text. Press Enter. For this to work, you must have your AutoCorrect option set properly. From the main menu choose Tools | AutoCorrect. In the AutoFormat As You Type tab, find the ... (view more)

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Print Multiple Sheets on One Page in MS Excel

If you ever have the need or desire to print several worksheets on one page in MS Excel, you can do it. Just follow the steps below. Choose Print from the File menu. Excel displays the Print dialog box. In the 'Print What' area of the dialog box, ... choose Entire Workbook. Click the Properties button. Excel displays the Properties dialog box for the printer. All printers are different so you will have to poke around a bit in your printer's properties to find the right place. With my printer, I select: Options. Paper Set Up. Then select Make Post or Many Pages on a Sheet. Set the Pages Per Sheet ... (view more)

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Create Hyperlinks from One Word Document to Another

I bet you didn't know that you can link documents together in MS Word. Well guess what? You can! Why bother linking documents together? You can hyperlink documents together so that the folks who read them can click on a hyperlink that will take them ... to a previous document that is referred to in the instant document. Say you've written to a colleague asking them to use information from a sales database to create a mail merge letter announcing a "Spring sale". You can create a hyperlink to a document instructing them how to create a merge letter. Word makes it super easy to link to ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Prevent Users from Changing Hyperlinks in Documents

Sometimes, folks may inadvertently change the Web hyperlinks in Word documents simply because it's so easy for them to accidentally change a link by simply following it. I'll show you how to make it a bit more difficult for readers to change your ... links. When you add a hyperlink to a Word document, you can go to the site by pressing CTRL and clicking your mouse on the link at the same time. If you want to edit the hyperlink text, you have to click inside it and make your changes. While you are working on the document, you want to be able to easily edit it, so this default setting is very handy ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

AutoText in Word 2007

AutoComplete has been disabled in Word 2007 due to the enormous quantity of Building Blocks (the expanded successor to AutoText) that would otherwise cause AutoComplete to occur just about all the time. Now, what do I do? To force completion after ... typing the first four characters, you'll need to press the F3 key. This will work with any Building Block, not just AutoText. But, it will work only if there are no other entries that begin with the same four letters. Some users are finding it useful to use AutoCorrect entries instead of AutoText entries as a work-around, and to purposely create ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Removing Multiple Hyperlinks in an MS Word Document

I received a telephone call from someone today asking me for advice regarding a 3,000 page document with multiple hyperlinks throughout. They wanted to know if there was a way to remove the hyperlinks all at one time instead of having to go through ... thousands of pages. I was happy to tell them that they could indeed accomplish this task rather easily. You can do it, too. Follow the steps below: CTRL + A to select all the text in your document. CTRL + SHIFT + F9 and bingo! All hyperlinks are removed. Very easy, wouldn't you agree? When you become a member at, you have ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Easy Access to Functions in MS Excel

If you use lots of functions in MS Excel, you may want to know a simple and efficient way to enter functions without accessing the Insert menu. Well guess what? I'm going to show you just how to do that ! Follow the steps below, using a keyboard ... shortcut: Depress SHIFT + F3. This will open the Paste Function dialog box. From there, you select the function category and then specify the actual function. Excel will display the function's arguments and hints about the function. Using the Paste Function dialog box will keep you from making typos and argument errors. When you become a member at ... (view more)

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Creating a v-Card from a Contact Entry in MS Outlook

One way to send contact information to someone else is to attach the contact entry to a message as a vCard. You can use this method to share your own contact information or to share one or more other contact entries with another person. Follow the ... steps below to attach a vCard to a message: In the Contacts folder, select the contact item you want to send a a vCard. Choose Actions | Forward as a vCard. Outlook opens a new message from with the contact entry attached as a vCard. Specify an address, complete the message as you would any other, and then click Send to send it. This really ... (view more)

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Archive Outlook E-Mail Without a .PST File

Microsoft Outlook has always archived your e-mail in a Personal Storage File (.PST). The .PST files stores Calendar items, e-mail, Journal entries, and Tasks on local Windows workstations. Users are responsible for proper archiving, such as ... specifying the archiving period, file locations, etc. The .PST files are notorious for corruption. There are many repair utilities that exist just for the purpose of repairing and recovering corrupted .PST files. There was another big drawback to the original .PST file: SIZE. Outlook 2002's .PST file was limited to 1.933 GB. Outlook 2003 increased the size ... (view more)


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