John Lister

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Lax Facebook Privacy Makes Pages Open to Public Search

A new site aims to demonstrate Facebook's lax security and privacy by exposing some of the more embarrassing messages which users have posted. However, Facebook users appear to have undermined the site by posting intentionally bogus messages. The ... new site is known as Openbook and is intended to highlight changes made last month which made the search facility on Facebook much more public, even to non-users. It's even possible for status updates and other user info to appear on public search engines. This was particularly problematic as there have been several changes to Facebook's privacy ... (view more)

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Google Slams Microsoft Claims Over Online Office Tools

Google has dismissed Microsoft's claims that Google Docs is a failure, and says to use that the argument simply highlights Microsoft's proprietary tactics. The dispute comes as both sides step up their online cloud computing battle . Microsoft is in ... the midst of releasing its free online-only edition of its forthcoming Office 2010. Meanwhile, Google already has online document editing via its Google Docs service (plus the paid professional version Google Apps), and is heavily promoting that as an alternative to Office 2010. Microsoft: Google Docs Falls Short Indeed, it even said using Google ... (view more)

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Microsoft Snubbed Again in $290M MS Word Patent Case

One of Microsoft's last hopes of escaping a $290 million fine for MS Word patent violations has once again fallen by the wayside. It means the company must either hope for an unlikely hearing at the Supreme Court, or pay up the cash. The case ... involves XML, a variant on web programming language HTML. Whereas HTML only covers the formatting and presentation of data, XML allows for description and classification of the content of that data. Series of Appeals End in Failure Microsoft Word lets users open XML documents, but the technique it uses to do so was ruled to have breached a patent by ... (view more)

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Google's iPhone Challenger Loses Another Carrier

Sprint has dropped plans to carry the Nexus One, Google's flagship cellphone. The news has somewhat undermined the revelation that Google's Android system is -- technically, at least -- outselling the iPhone. The news comes just weeks after Google ... cancelled plans to offer Nexus One with carrier Verizon. (Source: ) The release of Nexus One, produced by HTC, marked the first time Google itself had directly marketed a phone based around its own open-source system, Android. The original plan was to have it available for all the major networks, but to engage in minimal advertising and to ... (view more)

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FCC Seeks 'Third Way' To Regulate, Censure Broadband

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says it has found a solution to legal road-blocking of its powers over broadband providers. It will use a technicality to enforce the " net neutrality " principles, but relax its controls over other ... aspects of broadband. The legal saga involves Comcast intentionally slowing down Internet access to customers who were using peer-to-peer filesharing services such as those based on the BitTorrent system. Many people using BitTorrent do so to share copyrighted files without permission, but the system itself is not illegal and can be used just as easily ... (view more)

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HP Windows 7 Tablet May Not Be Dead After All

Hewlett-Packard (HP) has refused to confirm reports that it has cancelled work on a Windows-based tablet computer. In addition, its website still includes promotional material for the device, known as the Slate. Rumors suggested the firm encountered ... several problems with the device: Windows 7 apparently ran slowly and didn't convert well to a touch screen interface, while the Slate's Intel processor soaked up too much power, which could have made a practical battery life difficult to achieve. However, several analysts have noted that posts on an HP blog which deal with the device are still ... (view more)

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Microsoft Confirms: Internet Explorer 9 Won't Run on XP

Microsoft has confirmed earlier reports that Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) will not run on XP . That's prompted speculation that the company may be using the browser as a way to encourage users to upgrade to Windows 7. Some sources speculated that a ... future update to either the browser or operating system might alter the lack of support for Microsoft's current #1 operating system (OS). But this week Microsoft's Giorgio Sardo confirmed IE9 will never run on Windows XP. Going by the statistics, it seems an odd decision to not have the browser on XP. Even though Windows XP is nine years old and has ... (view more)

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iPad Sales Hit One Million, but Performance Issues Linger

The release of a 3G edition of the iPad is believed by one source to haven taken total sales of Apple's device past the one million sales plateau. But already there are questions about how well AT ... (view more)

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Google Street Views Put On Hold Amid Privacy Concerns

Google is once again at the center of controversy in Europe over the use of its technology in regard to privacy rights. Recent claims were made by German officials that the tech company is scanning for private wireless networks and recording the ... details through the use of its Street View service. According to Germany's federal data protection commissioner Peter Schaar, Google has been collecting MAC (Media Access Control) addresses of private citizens for some time now. A MAC address refers to a specific network adaptor -- and in this case, individual wireless routers. Schaar said that he was ... (view more)

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Apple Could Face FTC Investigation Over iPhone, iPad Regulations

Officials may soon investigate Apple amidst allegations that the company is too restrictive in its demands on developers producing applications for the iPhone and iPad. Criticism of that policy has been particularly strong over Apple's stance on ... using the Flash multimedia system. Apple recently changed its terms and conditions to give it the right to pull any application which does not use the company's specified programming and development systems, a list which doesn't include Flash. That prompted Adobe to abandon a tool that allowed Flash developers to easily convert their applications to ... (view more)


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