John Lister

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Hackers Pay Huge Sum to Acquire New Exploit Kit

The group behind a collection of 'premium' hacking tools is apparently charging hackers $10,000 a month for permission to use their product. The proceeds are helping fund rewards for anyone who shares information with the hackers about previously ... unknown software vulnerabilities. According to security firm Sophos, the 'premium' hacking kit is the work of a group called 'Paunch.' This is the same group that previously offered hackers a set of tools known as the Blackhole kit, which users could access only after paying a $1,500 per year rental fee. (Source: ) The Blackhole kit was ( ... (view more)

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Hacker Finds Major Loophole in Windows 8, RT

A hacker has figured out how to run Windows 8 software on the Windows RT operating system, installed on Microsoft's Surface and other tablet computers. According to the hacker, any differences between Windows RT and Windows 8 are entirely artificial ... and for marketing purposes only. Windows RT is described as similar to Windows 8 but is supposedly designed exclusively for portable devices built around ARM processors. These chips can greatly extend battery life, but are said to lack the computing power needed for a robust operating system like Windows 8. Users of Windows RT notice one major ... (view more)

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Iran Accused of Hacking US Banks

United States officials believe Iran is responsible for a string of recent cyber attacks on American banks. They say the sophistication of the attacks and the hacks' aim of disrupting services rather than stealing cash both suggest government rather ... than private activity. The attacks have been coming since September and have disrupted the online services of many U.S. banking institutions, including Bank of America, BB ... (view more)

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Library of Congress Compiling Huge Twitter Archive

The U.S. Library of Congress has completed its archive of every Twitter post during the first four years following the site's launch. Unfortunately, making that archive useful has proven extremely difficult. Back in April 2010, the Library of ... Congress signed a deal to archive Twitter posts, known as 'tweets.' The Library's Gayle Osterberg says those tweets are an important and valid research source. "As society turns to social media as a primary method of communication and creative expression, social media is supplementing, and in some cases supplanting, letters, journals, serial publications ... (view more)

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Internet Provider Not Allowed to Block Ads: Report

The French government has persuaded one of that country's major Internet providers to drop a plan that would have blocked all website advertising automatically. Government officials said the move could have placed the future of many successful ... websites in doubt. Free, a broadband provider to more than five million French subscribers, proposed to update software on its cable modems to, by default, block website advertisements. Its customers would see a blank space where advertisements appeared on websites delivered via its competitors' Internet services. (The firm's name -- Free -- reflects ... (view more)

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Google Retains Right to Control Search Results

After spending more than a year investigating allegations that Google favored its own products when producing search results, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has decided against imposing any serious punishment on the search giant. In response, ... Google is both celebrating the decision and also using the FTC report for its own benefit. The FTC decision is in line with earlier reports that suggested government officials simply didn't have much proof of any wrongdoing by Google. In what appears to be an agreed-upon outcome, Google has promised that for the next five years it will make it easier ... (view more)

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Shocking New Study Evaluates Antivirus Products

Security researchers have recently claimed the leading antivirus products demonstrate just a 1-in-20 chance of detecting new malicious software. However, high-profile figures in the security industry have questioned the validity of this new ... research. The research was conducted by Imperva, a digital security firm based in California. It intentionally set out to collect samples of virus code. To make sure it was collecting new samples of brand new viruses, Imperva searched discussion forums for hackers offering tips on how to breach security defenses. After gathering 82 examples of malicious ... (view more)

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Acer, Asus Stop Producing Netbooks

Two prominent PC manufacturers have stopped making netbook computers. The move, announced by both Acer and Asus, suggests some PC makers may now see the netbook form factor as an unattractive compromise between tablet and laptop computers. A netbook ... is an especially lightweight, compact, and cheap laptop computer. Many netbooks, like the Hewlett-Packard (HP) Mini, feature a 10.1-inch screen, 1 or 2GBs of RAM, and a sub-500GB hard drive. Netbooks usually retail for under $500. Netbooks became extremely popular four or five years ago, as the global economy took a turn for the worse. The cheaper ... (view more)

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Facebook Security Flaw Lets Strangers Read Chats

Facebook was recently forced to temporarily switch off a New Year's Eve messaging feature after a report suggested that private messages could be easily accessed and read by strangers. The feature is called "Midnight Delivery." It allowed Facebook ... users to send a 'Happy New Year' message to a friend. Unlike a normal message, however, the New Year's message would be "delivered" at precisely midnight. Furthermore, the message wouldn't arrive in the usual Facebook inbox. Instead, the recipient would get a link taking them to a special website called "Facebook Stories," where ... (view more)

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Fujitsu Boss Blames Windows 8 for Slow PC Sales

The president of Fujitsu, a major PC manufacturer, has now blamed Windows 8 for the company missing its most recent sales targets. Some reports indicate Fujitsu computer sales are less than 80% of what they were a year ago, when the highly popular ... Windows 7 was the operating system of choice. PC makers like Fujitsu often count on new versions of Windows to boost hardware sales. This is because many consumers wait until the release of a new operating system (OS) to purchase a long-desired computer. Fujitsu Sales Take a Plunge However, at least one report says that sales of Fujitsu PCs running ... (view more)


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