John Lister

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FBI Shuts Down Billion-Dollar Online Drug Market

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has arrested and charged a man accused of running a notorious Internet "underground market" that let users trade illegal drugs and weapons. The "Silk Road" site combined a range of technologies to offer users ... greater secrecy. The site was part of the so-called "dark Internet": the collection of sites that were part of the Internet but were not reachable through ordinary links. Users could only visit the site by using software known as TOR, or The Onion Router. The name came from the way that data sent through the software was redirected through thousands of ... (view more)

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Google Could Show Rivals' Logos In Search Results

Google appears ready to show its rivals' logos on search results pages. It's the latest development in a game of brinksmanship being played between Google and European regulators. The European Commission, which administers laws that apply across the ... continent, has been investigating claims that Google unfairly exploits its dominance of the search market. Some of the claims relate to the way Google sells advertising on its sites and the way it "scrapes" content, such as review extracts from other sites. The biggest issue, though, is the suggestion that Google has intentionally promoted its own ... (view more)

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Symantec Saves 500,000 PCs From Massive Botnet

Security firm Symantec says it has disabled roughly 500,000 computers hijacked by a major botnet. Unfortunately, the botnet -- known as ZeroAccess -- still has around 1.4 million machines under its control. A botnet is a network of machines that ... have fallen victim to malicious software. This allows the cybercriminals running the network to combine the machines to create a powerful weapon. Sometimes botnet operators will use the computers to spread more malicious software, attack a business or government agency, or bring a website down. Infected Machines Used For Bogus Ad Clicks In this case ... (view more)

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New Google Glass Rival Can Instantly Translate Text

A Japanese phone company is working on a pair of spectacles that can automatically translate text. The device works even if the user is looking at a language with a different alphabet system. The device is produced by NTT Docomo and is known as ... 'Intelligent Glasses'. It's only a prototype at the moment, but was recently shown off at an electronics show in Japan. The glasses feature a frame-based camera and a transparent lens that can display information to the user. Among the main uses: translating text from documents before a user. Unlike some visual translation tools, the system can ... (view more)

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'Offliners' Share Concerns About Going Online

Almost one in six American adults do not use the Internet -- even occasionally -- according to a new study. But only around one-third of the "offliners" say they have no interest in ever using the world wide web. The figures come from the Pew ... Internet and American Life Project, which regularly surveys the public about online issues. In a study carried out in May 2013 and published this week, Pew spoke to 2,252 Americans aged 18 or over. (Source: ) Of these, 15 per cent said 'no' to the question of whether they use the Internet "at least occasionally." This only left ... (view more)

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Google Facing Court Date Over Email Scanning

Google has denied claims that its practice of scanning Gmail messages for advertising purposes breaches wiretap laws. But a judge says there may be a case to answer, particularly when it comes to scanning messages sent by non-Gmail users. Although ... Gmail is free to use, Google makes money by putting adverts at the top of the inbox and beside messages. These ads are usually based on topics that are mentioned in messages -- the theory being that somebody who reads and writes a lot of messages about golf may be more likely to click on an ad for a golf supplies store. Google repeatedly notes that ... (view more)

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Google Takes Aim at Offensive YouTube Comments

Google is making changes to the way commenting works for its YouTube videos. The aim is to make it easier to engage in discussion without being bogged down by crude abuse. Over the years, Google has repeatedly struggled with commenting on the site, ... particularly on videos that can attract hundreds of thousands or even millions of views. Many customers have complained about sexist, racist, or other offensive comments that add little to the discussion and drown out any attempt at genuine discussion. The last major change was part of an attempt to persuade users to sign up for Google's social ... (view more)

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New, More Reliable GPS Hardware Coming Soon

The US Air Force (USAF) has signed a deal to develop a new platform that could solve the problem of unreliable global positioning system (GPS) tracking in densely populated urban areas. It could also help drivers, but through cars rather than mobile ... devices. While a sophisticated technology, the principle of how GPS works is remarkably simple. A fleet of satellites orbit the Earth at a consistent speed, meaning their precise location at any particular moment is known. Each satellite is constantly beaming signals to the ground, with each signal bearing a timestamp. As soon as a device on the ... (view more)

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Windows 8.1 Disc Release May Cause Confusion

Microsoft is planning to release boxed copies of Windows 8.1, thereby saving new buyers from having to download the first big update to the Windows 8 operating system (OS). However, the boxed version's pricing and installation process may make it ... both confusing and unattractive for many consumers. The boxed edition of Windows 8.1 is being aimed at people who don't already own Windows 8 or any previous version of Windows. If you do have Windows 8 installed, you'll be able to download the update free of charge from the online Windows Store on October 18, 2013. The boxed version is seen as a ... (view more)

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Google Wants to Extend the Human Lifespan

Google says it's planning to become a major investor in a healthcare firm that aims to help people live longer. The firm will be called 'Calico' and its mandate is to extend the human lifespan rather than simply find cures for life-threatening ... diseases. Its partnership with the world's most prominent Internet firm has led TIME magazine to pose the question: "Can Google Solve Death?" For its part, Google isn't sure that's possible. Google chief executive officer Larry Page describes such ambitious plans as "moon shots", and acknowledges it could be a couple of decades before they see results. ... (view more)


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