Brandon Dimmel

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Internet Explorer 8.0 Already Rumored

Have you recently made the leap of faith from the relatively-buggy Internet Explorer 6 to the recently released and even-more-buggy IE7? IE7 is Microsoft's latest web browser and promises better options and security. Although it has gone through its ... own controversy in recent weeks, Internet Explorer 7 is generally considered an advancement in Internet surfing. And with that said, there are strong rumors that the Redmond-based company has already begun working on Internet Explorer "Next," which should be ultimately dubbed Internet Explorer 8.0. Recently appointed Internet Explorer platform ... (view more)

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Microsoft's Vista 'PatchGuard' Hacked by a Security Company?

It appears that some of Microsoft's ambitiousness in developing its latest operating system, Windows Vista, is receiving anything but glowing reviews from other segments of the electronics industry. Recently, a few notable vendors are expressing ... anger over Microsoft's internal virus protection within Vista, which they claim has not been developed in coordination with other security companies and is thus, susceptible to hackers. The main problem stems from Microsoft's refusal to allow firms like Authentium, McAfee, and Symantec from full access to the "kernel" technology within the 64-bit ... (view more)

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XP Service Pack 3 Delayed Until 2008

Just as Microsoft releases one of its most anticipated products of this season (Internet Explorer 7), the Redmond-based company has announced the delay of an important update for the Windows XP operating system -- XP Service Pack 3 (SP3). Even ... though Windows Vista is planned for mass release in November 2006 (business and corporate versions) and January 2007 (home editions), XP Service Pack 3 will not be officially launched until at least 2008. And now that the bomb has been dropped, speculation has begun. When XP SP2 was released in 2004, the last Service Pack essentially acted as a whole ... (view more)

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Things Looking Up for AMD

It's been a tough year for chip producers. Both Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Intel have struggled to make a steady profit for most of 2006, despite Intel's release of the Core 2 Duo and AMD's continued success in marketing the Athlon chip. ... However, things appear to be looking a little brighter for at least one company. Although they haven't made a major release like Intel, AMD is seeing its profits jump significantly, mostly as a result of flash disc sales. Things really did look grim for AMD. At one point, their main competition, Intel, was announcing the release of its next chip, the ... (view more)

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IE7 Released, Promptly Fails Security Test

Congratulations, Microsoft. The Redmond-based company has finally released their much-anticipated new browser, Internet Explorer 7, for Windows XP. And certainly, it's reason for Big M to to be ecstatic -- except for the fact that the new Internet ... software has already failed its first security test. Internet Explorer 7 rolled out Wednesday, October 18. Beta tests of the browser were generally good, with testers and even the competition, Mozilla, admitting that Microsoft had truly developed a wonderful new way to surf the web. The browser improves on some of the qualities that had led to ... (view more)

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Signs Show Vista is Ready

It's been a long time coming. With the release of Windows Vista finally nearing at the end of January, 2007, Microsoft is pulling out all the stops to ensure that the worldwide launch goes as smoothly as possible. The company recently engaged in its ... typical, weekly international eco-political crusade, this time with the European Commission and Korea in order to affirm a timely release of the much-anticipated operating system. Microsoft has dual plans for Vista's release. Although the dates have changed a few times, the recent launch days have been written in cement by the company. Microsoft ... (view more)

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IBM Ships Chips for Nintendo's Wii

Just days after the disappointing announcement from Sony that its Playstation 3 (PS3) console will ship just 400,000 units in North America and a paltry 100,000 in Japan, IBM has publicly stated that its chip for Nintendo's upcoming "Wii" system is ... moving out. The announcement by IBM confirms beliefs that the Wii is indeed on schedule, and unlike the PS3, should come relatively close to meeting a strong consumer demand when it is released in mid-November of this year. IBM's chip for Nintendo's console is code-named "Broadway", and reportedly ushers in the next generation of gaming by reducing ... (view more)

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Lonelygirl15 Just a Hoax

For the past few months, users around the world have become engrossed with an American home-schooled teenager named Bree who has been posting video blogs via under the screen name "lonelygirl15." There's just one problem -- Lonelygirl15 ... is not an American home-schooled teenager named Bree. Rather, lonelygirl15 is a Kiwi actress named Jessica Rose, and the scheme was the brainchild of independent filmmakers from California. (Source: ) Lonelygirl15 has posted 30 videos over the past few months, discussing various topics such as her strict parents, sneaking out to ... (view more)

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Commodore 64 Used by Kidnapper Blocks Police Investigation

The Commodore 64, once the gaming system of choice in the 1980s (before the Nintendo Entertainment System boom), is now being connected to one of the strangest kidnapping cases in recent history. Across the pond in Austria, police are struggling to ... piece together the motivation of Wolfgang Priklopil, who held preteen Natascha Kampusch captive for a horrific eight long years. The main obstacle might be the aforementioned Commodore, which Priklopil used extensively. (Source: ) In late August, Natascha Kampusch (now 18 years of age) escaped from her kidnapper. Held in a tiny ... (view more)

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The Hewlett Packard Scandal

In the world of technology, the law is broken everyday. Whether it be hacking, piracy, or another corporate antitrust suit, shady business is far from unusual in the industry we cover at Infopackets. With that said, the recent events surrounding ... Hewlett-Packard's executives does actually seem rather unique and has industry insiders, understandably, calling for a flushing of that company's top brass. The story behind HP's recent scandal sounds more like "Nixon" than "Hackers." Already being labeled by some as "Patriciagate," the uncovered news of HP Chairman Patricia Dunn's decision to ... (view more)


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