Brandon Dimmel

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Microsoft Reportedly Seeks Yahoo! Purchase

Here's a new one for the techie forums to debate: Who is more powerful online, Microsoft or Google? Surely, this is a tough answer -- with one boasting strength in crafting popular software, while the other dominates the future profits of thousands ... of websites. However, when it comes to searching the web, the big G has the market cornered. Too bad Yahoo, too bad MSN. That harsh reality may be behind rumors that Microsoft is pursuing a Yahoo takeover. First to the story is the NY Post, which reports to other media outlets that Microsoft recently approached Yahoo executives about a possible ... (view more)

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Retailers Drop Price of Microsoft's Zune, New Device to Come?

Before being given its current title, "Zune", Microsoft's digital audio player was largely rumored to be the company's first foray into the portable gaming market. With many console fanboys hoping the project would indeed end in an "Xboy", it ... instead led to a 30GB MP3 competitor for Apple's iPod. Although it seems Microsoft still plans on making the device somewhat game-functional, the company may have lost its chance with gamers. The window of opportunity may be quickly closing on the Zune's music appeal, too, with many retailers now discounting its price tag. First to massively reduce the ... (view more)

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Industry Insiders Impressed with Vista Stamp

Back in the earliest days of home gaming, Nintendo used to employ a little gold merit badge it called the "Nintendo Seal of Quality". It was a nice way for young and new gamers to navigate the enormous 1980s NES games library. Got the seal? It's ... probably decent. No seal? Avoid at all costs. Many companies have tried a similar campaign, with Microsoft's Vista logo now appearing on certain software programs deemed the most compatible with the company new operating system (OS). One industry insider recently blogged that when he found himself shopping for a TV tuner for his PC, there was a tough ... (view more)

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American Adults Spend $1,200 a Year on Electronics

Take a moment and think about your last Christmas morning. How many of the items unwrapped by you, your spouse, or your kids required batteries, a power outlet, or frequent software updates? In all likelihood, it was these kinds of devices that ... dominated the gift-giving ceremony, as U.S. consumers continue to prop up the electronics industry. The impact of this is only recently being documented, with the most blatant evidence presented in the new study proclaiming that, on average, American adults spend some $1,200 a year on electronics. The retail examination was conducted by the Consumer ... (view more)

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Vista Drags Down Apple's Mac Sales

A few weeks ago we talked about speculation surrounding the delay of the new Mac operating system (OS) from Apple, Leopard. In order to better accommodate Microsoft's own new OS, Windows Vista, some experts believed Apple pushed back their product ... until the fall, an action that disappointed many Mac maniacs. There may be more fist-shaking today, with news that Windows Vista likely sapped Macintosh hardware sales during its last period. Looking at the numbers, it seems fairly obvious that some sort of major release put the squeeze on Mac success during Apple's second fiscal quarter of 2007. ... (view more)

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Rocket Launches Star Trek's 'Scotty' and 200 Others Into Space

Unlike most of those who have passed on, Star Trek actor James Doohan, best known as "Scotty", wasn't laid to rest six feet under the earth. Instead, the famous Canadian-born actor was officially "beamed up" yesterday, even though he died a couple ... years ago at the ripe age of 85. The unorthodox ceremony lifted the ashes of some 200 people into the edge of space over New Mexico's desert base, "Truth or Consequences." Hundreds of onlookers applauded as the slim, twenty-foot rocket spiraled up towards the heavens. As mentioned, Doohan is most remembered for his supporting role on Gene ... (view more)

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Microsoft Expands Security Initiative

We've known for a long time that Microsoft is the most powerful software company in the world. If it's a desktop or laptop PC, in all likelihood it's running a Windows operating system -- or any number of other programs crafted by the Redmond-based ... company. Over the course of a year, Microsoft has also began to dabble in security, most notably with the release of its Windows Live OneCare. Although the program has been criticized at times for loopholes, it appears MS is serious about building out this new venture. That's becoming more and more apparent, especially with the recent establishment ... (view more)

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Bill Gates, Americans Look to Asia for Next ... Bill Gates

We've known for some time that the future of industry and technological development lay in Asia, especially within the massive (and still growing) populations of India and China. Now, head of Microsoft and famed billionaire Bill Gates is weighing in ... on the issue, recently telling the media that it's his own research centers in the region that he believes will lead the growth of the globe's tech infrastructure. He's proving it by doing as any businessman should, in good times -- by doubling Microsoft's workforce in Beijing and Shanghai. (Source: ) Speaking in front of an ... (view more)

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CNET Names Greenest Cars

Last year, former Vice President and one-time presidential hopeful Al Gore ushered the once subtle fear of global warming into the mainstream. Although we all knew the earth was getting warmer as a result of our messy, polluting little lives, Gore's ... documentary slammed home the importance of beginning a "greener" existence NOW. One of the most alarming contributors to global warming, unexpectedly, are car emissions. Now that the word is out, more and more consumers are interested in those vehicles that limit their impact on the environment. (Source: ) Recently, CNET took a close look ... (view more)

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Controversial YouTube Video Posted, Ripped Down

YouTube, in many cases, represents the open-source wonder and freedom of the Internet. As one of the last media outlet without stringent borders, the web embraced YouTube when it was first launched a few years ago. Google's purchase of the site, ... which allows users to upload just about any type of amateur home video, only vaulted YouTube into the mainstream. Now, it appears Google ownership may lead to limits on the kind of content posted, with the recent disappearance of a video showing John McCain singing -- yes singing -- his hopes to "bomb Iran." McCain, who is currently serving as a ... (view more)


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