Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'Child Lock 1.99', and 'Why Can't I Connect? 1.6.1'

Child Lock 1.99 Worried about your children getting into trouble on your computer? Child Lock allows you to lock the keyboard and mouse, preventing little ones from accessing adult programs, sites, or services. This program can also be used to ... adjust mouse speed, helping children get used to controlling such a device. Why Can't I Connect? 1.6.1 Diagnose problems with your network with Why Can't I Connect? The application is designed to make it easier to resolve connection problems. It's accessible but contains sophisticated features, making it useful for both ... (view more)

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Teen Duped Into Paying $735 For Xbox One Photo

A 19-year-old who took to eBay in search of a rare Xbox One 'Day One' edition console thought he had found the perfect gift for his four-year-old son. The only problem: the Xbox One he found listed on the auction site for $735 was for a photograph ... of the new Microsoft video game system, not the console itself. Peter Clatworthy, a resident of Nottingham, England, says he went on eBay in search of the Xbox One shortly after the console launched in late November. Because most stores were sold out of the device, Clatworthy was willing to pay a little more to acquire the new Microsoft hardware. ... (view more)

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Kaspersky Lab Names World's Top Security Threats

Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab has released a list of the top security threats facing the world right now. Leading the pack: ransomware like 'CryptoLocker' and cyber espionage, like the work carried out by the United States' National Security ... Agency (NSA). Kaspersky says the past year has seen a number of cyber espionage tools used on the web. Some, like "Red October", "NetTraveler", and "MiniDuke", are sophisticated tools designed to help professional spies and advanced hackers infiltrate government agencies. MiniDuke was used to steal sensitive data from dozens of organizations and ... (view more)

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'Printer Control 1.0', and 'Screen Markers 2.39'

Printer Control 1.0 Use this program to take control of the printers connected to your home and business network. It's a simple command line application designed to make it easier to pause, clear, and resume your various print jobs. It's very useful ... for preventing unnecessary or accidental printing. Screen Markers 2.39 Create custom marks on your screen with Screen Markers. This is a useful tool for those people that simply must have a highly organized screen. New features include drag and drop, dotted lines, color customization, and duplicate marker. http://www. ... (view more)

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'Unchecky Beta 0.1.3', and 'The Extractor 2.0'

Unchecky Beta 0.1.3 Hate it when you go to download an Internet browser or some other kind of tool and the provider tries to package unwanted software through pre-checked forms? Then try out Unchecky, which helps you keep your system clear of ... unwanted programs. The Extractor 2.0 The Extractor is designed to help users extract hundreds of compressed zip and rar files with just a single click. This program is fast, free, and really easy to use. It's been awarded a 5 / 5 rating from CNET and has received a clean rating by Major Geeks. This freeware ... (view more)

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Microsoft Battles Binge-Eating with High-Tech Bra

Microsoft thinks it has a solution for America's ongoing battle with the belly bulge: a new bra that monitors a user's mood in order to eliminate stress-related binge-eating episodes. Stress has long been associated with overeating. A February 2012 ... report from the Harvard Medical School found that stress can result in the releasing of a hormone called cortisol, which in turn leads to an increased appetite. (Source: ) To prevent stress from ruining a diet, Microsoft Visualization and Interaction Research Group manager Mary Czerwinski is working on a new bra that she says can ... (view more)

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Amazon Serious About Flying Drones Delivery Service

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ... an Amazon drone delivering my Battlestar Galactica DVDs! Amazon says it's testing aerial drones capable of delivering packages to customers in less than an hour. However, it remains unclear how people will respond ... to the idea of having a small robot hovering at their front door. Amazon chief executive officer Jeff Bezos showed off the concept, tentatively called Amazon 'Prime Air', during an interview with Charlie Rose on CBS' evening news show "60 Minutes". (Source: ) Drones Use GPS to Deliver Small Packages Prime Air uses eight-propellor drones ... (view more)

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'Auslogics Browser Care 1.4', and 'HTTPNetworkSniffer 1.32'

Auslogics Browser Care 1.4 Take control of the browsers stored on your computer with Auslogics Browser Care. This programs helps you remove unwanted toolbars, change hijacked home pages, clear your cache, and set a preferred search engine. ... HTTPNetworkSniffer 1.32 This unique packet sniffer tool captures all HTTP requests and responses sent between the Internet browser and web server. It displays pertinent information in a simple, easy-to-read table. Displayed information includes host name, path, and response code. This freeware software program ... (view more)

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'SmartCallMonitor 1.7', and 'SmartSerialMail 1.3'

SmartCallMonitor 1.7 This exciting new tool lets you quickly and easily identify all incoming VoIP calls by using the data stored on your system (such as Microsoft Outlook or Google contacts). Basically, this tool works just like a switchboard, ... allowing you to accept, end, make, and hold your calls. SmartSerialMail 1.3 Create and send your own newsletters with SmartSerialMail. This tool provides you with a selection of newsletter templates and allows you to send out a maximum of 400 personalized emails per day. That means you can keep friends, family, and ... (view more)

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Man Accidentally Pitches $7.5M Hard Drive

Here's a lousy way to spend a weekend: searching through the garbage dump for a hard drive containing roughly $7.5 million in bitcoins . That's the lot of poor James Howells, a Newport, England, man who accidentally threw the hard drive away. ... Howells purchased about 7,500 bitcoins back in 2009, when the Internet currency was still in its infancy. Now, each bitcoin is worth an astronomical $1,000 USD, meaning Howells' bitcoin collection is worth about $7.5 million. "Totally Forgot About Bitcoins," Man Says Problem is, Howells -- who works in information technology (IT) -- purchased ... (view more)


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