Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

MS Patch Tuesday Leaves 3 Critical Flaws Unaddressed

Microsoft yesterday released a package of five Security Bulletins offering fixes for a total of eight vulnerabilities. While it's news worth celebrating, unfortunately the software company has also failed to address three other zero-day ... vulnerabilities . Browse And Get Owned, Drive-By Attacks Addressed All five of the Security Bulletins Microsoft has addressed were outlined in September and deemed "critical" -- the highest level of concern. Three out of five of the issues taken care of by Microsoft fix issues associated with "browse-and-get-owned" attacks, otherwise known as " drive-by" ... (view more)

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'Chrome Plus', and 'Zero Remote'

Chrome Plus ChromePlus is an offshoot of the original Google Chrome web browser. It has all the functionalities that Google Chrome has and more, including: mouse gestures, a new 'super' drag, and an Internet Explorer tab. ... Zero Remote ZeroRemote is a free, tiny, portable, single-executable remote desktop application for Windows. Features include: file transfer, audio playback, out-of-the-box Aero and alpha blending support, and minimal resource usage. Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension ... (view more)

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MS Cleared of Wrong-doing by Russian Anti-Trust Body

Microsoft has been cleared of wrong-doing by Russia's federal anti-monopoly service, FAS. It was announced yesterday that the investigation into the Redmond-based company had been closed, with the software giant found not guilty of any violations in ... the way it distributed and marketed Windows XP. The FAS investigation began earlier this summer, with the Russian body announcing that it suspected Microsoft of several antitrust violations in relation to the supply and pricing of the Windows XP operating system (OS). FAS felt that Microsoft might have broken the law when it discontinued the ... (view more)

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'Eject USB', and 'Wake On LAN'

Eject USB Eject USB is designed to close all programs running from a specified USB drive and then attempt a 'safe remove' of the drive if specified. Extended functionality includes flushing the file cache, closing Explorer windows, and removing ... registry entries and recent document shortcuts referencing the specified drive or folder. Wake On LAN This program wakes a user's computer via LAN. You need only to enter the appropriate MAC address of the computer you would like to wake and the program takes care of the rest. Today's fresh software ... (view more)

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Sony Walkman More Popular than iPod in Japan

Think Apple's iPod is the quintessential tech product for the modern age? Arguably, the iPod is the tech world's most in-demand product -- and has been virtually uncontested in North America for the last ten years -- but not in Japan, where the Sony ... Walkman currently holds top spot as the highest-selling MP3 player. The Apple iPod is a ubiquitous device. It's recognized in places where many Western products, like a laptop or PlayStation, are not. It's also very popular in the land of the rising sun, where for the last four years it has been the most powerful force in MP3 playback technology. ... (view more)

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MS Word Injunction Reversed: Appeals Judge Grants Stay

It appears Microsoft's threats that last month's injunction against its popular Word software could deliver "irreparable harm" to the company has paid off. A U.S. Court of Appeals judge has granted the Redmond-based firm a stay of the injunction ... pending appeal, meaning it won't have to pull the software off store shelves by early October. Last month a Texas federal judge ordered Microsoft to halt resale of Word, a key component of its Microsoft Office suite, unless it removed important XML features whose patent is owned by Canadian company i4i. Microsoft had been ordered to stop selling Word ... (view more)

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'Hyper-V Server 2008 R2', and 'Window Layout Manager'

Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 is an optimized virtualization (virtual PC) solution that allows you to run more than one operating system on your PC at once. With the addition of new features such as live migration and ... expanded processor and memory support for host systems, Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 allows organizations to consolidate workloads onto a single physical server and is a good solution for organizations who are consolidating servers. Window Layout Manager Window Layout Manager is a program that allows the management of various layouts ... (view more)

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Google Chrome to be Default Web Browser on Sony VAIO PCs

Google has announced a major deal that will see its own Chrome Internet browser packaged with Sony VAIO brand PCs shipped in the near future. It's a giant breakthrough for Google, which has struggled to find a comfortable place in the market amidst ... Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla's Firefox. (Source: ) Reports haven't yet revealed exactly which Sony models will come equipped with Chrome, but Google spokesperson Eitan Bencuya, who for the most part remained mum on the topic, did announce the agreement will take effect this summer. It's part of Google's plan to make ... (view more)

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Nokia 3G Netbook: Win7 Equipped but Not Cheap

There are two reasons the netbook market has emerged as the most popular in the tech industry: portability and price. However, Nokia -- best known for its cellphones -- is challenging the traditional price point, and will soon offer its powerful ... Booklet 3G Netbook for a whopping $820. Despite several unique features the notebook is very expensive, indeed. So, exactly who will buy the Nokia notebook? Most analysts are already guessing that the Finnish company has misinterpreted the best plan of attack for entering the netbook market and will immediately alienate most customers after launch. ... (view more)

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'Dark Adapted', and 'Disk Cryptor'

Dark Adapted Dark Adapted controls the amount of red, green, and blue in your screen gamma so that you may preserve your dark adaptation while using your computer. Gamma fades can be scheduled, and run on Windows or Macintosh. Dark Adapted is being ... used by astronomers, planetarium operators, graphics professionals, medical professionals, airline pilots, air traffic controllers, and others worldwide to provide flexible, dynamic control over their monitor's screen color response. Disk Cryptor DiskCryptor, provided under GNU General Public License, is the only truly ... (view more)


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